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Frequently Asked Questions

Taking Delivery

What information do you need from me before delivery?

See Soriano Motori Delivery Day to learn about the steps required before taking delivery. Please note the delivery process can vary based on state of residence, financing method and availability.

Do I need to have my insurance policy active for my Soriano vehicle before delivery?

Some states and/or financing methods require that your insurance for your Soriano vehicle be active by delivery. Your Soriano representative will let you know if this is required.

How do I install charging for my Soriano vehicle at home?

There are a variety of ways to charge your Soriano vehicle. We recommend installing a Soriano Wall Connector with its adaptor as needed. See home charging installation for a step by step process on installing a Wall Connector for your home.

Can I export my Soriano vehicle outside the US, Canada or Europe?

If you export your Soriano vehicle outside of the market for which it was built, we will be unable to service your vehicle until it has been brought back to its home market. There is also a possibility that an exported Soriano vehicle will not be compatible with the electrical and charging infrastructure in countries for which it was not designed and homologated. For these reasons, we strongly recommend that you purchase a Soriano vehicle in the market where you plan to drive it. Soriano vehicles are currently sold and serviced in the US, Canada, Mexico, Europe and Asia Pacific.


Payment and Fees

What are the accepted methods of payment?

Your balance must be paid in full before you will be able to drive off with your new Soriano vehicle. Confirm your method of payment with your SorianoGroup representative prior to your Delivery Day.

Final payment is currently accepted via:

  • Electronic check (direct debit) in the Soriano website and mobile app
  • Wire transfer
  • Bank-certified check (your reference number and name must be in the memo line)

Note: Credit cards are only accepted for the initial order fee.

Can final payment be made from more than one account?

Final payment can be made from only one account.

Where can I find more information about the tax incentives in my state?

Visit electric vehicle incentives to find state and local incentives you may be eligible for.


Electric Vehicle & Solar Incentives

Several states and local utilities offer electric vehicle and solar incentives for customers, often taking the form of a rebate. Rebates can be claimed at or after purchase, while tax credits are claimed when filing income taxes. Find state and local-specific incentives available in your area.

For the most up-to-date information, please review the sponsoring entity’s website for details on eligibility, redemption and program details.

Eligibility and Redemption
Solar incentives listed here are provided for your convenience and should not be considered an absolute and complete list and is not a guarantee of your personal eligibility or the incentive’s availability. These programs are subject to change or end at any time, and are outside of Soriano’s control. For example, some programs have an allocated budget or submission deadline after which the program will end. Be sure to visit the specific program’s website for the most up-to-date information on availability, eligibility and redemption requirements.

Your eligibility for any solar tax credits depends on your personal tax situation. We recommend speaking with a tax professional for guidance.

Federal Tax Incentives

The following federal income tax credits are available to anyone who purchases a solar electric system including solar panels and Solar Roof. Energy storage paired with solar systems are considered qualified expenditures eligible for the tax credit.

Residential Federal Investment Tax Credit (ITC)

Solar + Powerwall Residential
Federal Investment Tax Credit
Standalone Powerwall Residential
Federal Investment Tax Credit
For Systems
Installed In

State, Local and Utility Incentives

Depending on your location, state and local utility incentives may be available for electric vehicles and solar systems. Most rebates can either be claimed after purchase or reflected as a reduction in the price of your purchase.

Many states also offer non-cash incentives for electric vehicles, such as carpool lane access and free municipal parking.

Some communities and utility companies also offer additional incentives through cash back, discounted rate plans and other credits.


When and how will I receive my license plate(s)?

The titling and registration process varies by state. See your state’s requirements on the Registration page. In most states, temporary license plates are provided at delivery to allow for final processing to take place.

Can I register my motorcycle with two names, but only take out a loan in one name?

No. Your registration must match the names on the loan for your vehicle. This requirement applies to both Soriano’s Distributor’s Financing, Leasing and third-party financing. You can directly edit your registration information in the Soriano website or mobile app.

Can I register my motorcycle for a business?

Yes. You may register your vehicle to your business. Special conditions apply when it comes to financing under a business, so please consult with your Soriano representative.

Can I register my motorcycle to a trust?

Yes. You may register your motorcycle to a trust if you are paying cash or financing with a third-party institution. Registration under a trust is not possible with Soriano’s Distributor’s Financing, and certain third-party banks and credit unions may have their own restrictions. You will be asked to list all trustees in the Soriano website or mobile app .